Home Remedies for Itchy Hands
Try an Oatmeal Soak
According to natural-homeremedies.com, oatmeal can relieve itchiness anywhere on your body, including your hands. In fact, since your hands are a relatively small part of your body, you can prepare an oatmeal "soak" by mixing two cups of oatmeal in a bowl with luke-warm water. Place your hands into the water and let them soak. Oatmeal works to relieve itchiness because it tends to bind to the skin and, due to its affinity for water, it acts as a moisturizer.
Use Crisco or Lemon Oil
If oatmeal is not doing the trick or if you do not like the texture of the oatmeal bath, try an oil-based home remedy to help with your itchy hands. According to mothernature.com, simply rubbing a little Crisco onto your hands is a quick, cheap remedy to sooth itchiness and to relieve dryness. The reason it works is that Crisco keeps water and moisture locked into your skin. Use this sparingly; too much Crisco will make your hands will feel greasy.
Lemon oil and glycerin is another oil-based remedy used to sooth itchiness and dryness on your hands. Mothernature.com suggests mixing only a few drops of glycerin (which you can find at your local pharmacy) with a few drops of lemon oil (which should also be available at your local pharmacy). Rub the mixture into your hands at night.
Drink Nettle Tea
Nettles are herbs commonly found in the Mediterranean. According to teabenefits.com, the herb has been used for centuries to relieve a number of ailments, including skin irritation caused by eczema and other conditions. Drinking nettle tea, therefore, could help relieve your itchy hands. You can purchase nettles over the Internet (see Resources) or at your local health food store.To make the tea, steep the herbs in boiling water for five or ten minutes, then strain and pour the liquid into a glass.