How to Make Reishi Extract With Vodka

Prepared reishi extract sells for as much as $25 as ounce. Yet it's little wonder that people pay top dollar for the mushroom tincture; reishi's health-giving properties have been famous for thousands of years. According to mushroom expert Paul Stamets, reishi's claims to fame include its use as a holistic tool in fighting cancer. It also reputedly helps fight off bronchitis, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not have an formal stance on reishi, Japan lists it as an official cancer-fighting agent. The extract can be made at home with powdered reishi and store-bought vodka.

Things You'll Need

  • Dried whole reishi mushrooms or powdered reishi
  • 100 proof vodka
  • Wide-mouth jar
  • Cheesecloth and/or unbleached coffee filters
  • Amber dropper bottles (optional)
  • Coffee bean grinder/coffee mill (optional)
  • Blender (optional)
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    • 1

      Buy 100 proof vodka. Don't bother with Grey Goose or other pricey brands; any vodka will do.

    • 2

      Purchase powdered reishi from an online source or a local health food store.

    • 3

      Alternatively, if you have whole, dried reishi mushrooms, grind them in a coffee mill and then a blender to get the pieces as close to powder form as possible.

    • 4

      Fill a jar halfway with your powdered mixture. If possible, choose a jar size based on the amount of mushroom powder you have available.

    • 5

      Add vodka and fill to the top of the jar.

    • 6

      Cap the jar and label it with contents and date made.

    • 7

      Store in a dark, draft-free place. Allow the mixture to steep for at least two weeks.

    • 8

      Shake mixture vigorously every day.

    • 9

      Strain the liquid through a double layer of cheesecloth.

    • 10

      Strain a second time through an unbleached coffee filter.

    • 11

      Pour mixture into small bottles or jars and secure tightly.

    • 12

      Label each bottle with contents, date made and recommended dosage.

    • 13

      To use, dip an eyedropper into the tincture for the most accurate measurements.

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