Herbal Teas for Dizziness & Nausea
Ginger tea is a good choice for treating both dizziness and nausea. It can effectively treat vertigo associated with a cold or infection. Simply grate a 1/2-inch slice of fresh ginger into 1 to 2 cups of boiling water. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and drink. Sweeten with honey to improve the taste. Sip the tea throughout the day for vertigo.
Ginger tea for nausea is very effective. Ginger is well-known for treating all kinds of stomach problems, nausea being no exception. As above, sip as needed throughout the day for relief. In lieu of making your own tea using grated ginger, look for ginger tea bags in most health food stores for ease of use.
Peppermint for nausea
Peppermint is a classic natural remedy for stomach troubles. This is one of the oldest remedies there is for nausea. Sip peppermint tea throughout the day to ease your symptoms. Look for peppermint tea at the grocery or health food store. Make sure it is real peppermint tea, and not just peppermint-flavored regular tea.
Anise has a strong licorice taste and can be useful for treating nausea. Make a decoction-type tea to treat your symptoms by adding 1 cup of boiling water to about 1 tsp. of anise. Steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink 1 cup of the tea as needed.
More Tea
Make a tea using elder, peppermint and yarrow to treat dizziness associated with congestion due to colds. This tea is a traditional English infusion that helps clear up congestion. Mix 1 tsp. of the dried elder, peppermint and yarrow herbs and boil in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea often throughout the day.
While some herbal teas can ease symptoms such as dizziness and nausea, these may be symptoms of a larger problem; consult your doctor if you continue to experience these symptoms.