How to Easily Detox Your Liver
Things You'll Need
- Milk thistle
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Dandelion or burdock root
Drink more water. If you want an easy way to detoxify the liver, just drink more water each day. Water is needed by the body on a continuous basis. The water helps to maintain many functions of the body. But water also dilutes the poisons and toxins that the liver filters out. Drink at least 8 cups of water each day, suggests the American Dietetic Association in its article Water, Water Everywhere -- How Much Should You Drink?
Take liver herbs. The herbs for the liver include milk thistle, turmeric, dandelion, ginger and burdock root. These herbs are suggested by the Gay Men's Health Crisis article The Liver Herbs. These herbs clean the liver, stimulate blood flow to the liver and strengthen the liver function. Use only one herb at a time and see an herbalist for more information.
Eat fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient for the digestive tract. By eating more fiber you create soft and watery fecal matter that moves easily through the colon and out the body. According to the article How Food is Digested on the Ellie Whole Grains website, if the wastes are not removed in a regular timeframe the colon may reabsorb some of these toxins. Good fiber foods to eat are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
Exercise frequently. Physical exercise also aids the liver and other organs in the digestive tract. Exercise burns calories and fat. The fat tissues in the body contain many toxins. Getting rid of the fat helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the body. The liver then has fewer wasters to filter out the body. The American Dietetic Association also suggests exercising every day.
Try a fast. Another way to cleanse the liver is a fast. Fasting cleans out the digestive tract and also give the body a chance to self-heal. The article Fasting for Detox by Patricia Braggs, PhD, on the Pure Inside Out website says that there are many ways to fast, but focusing on the liver, kidneys and skin is one of the best methods for detoxify the body. Braggs says only do a one- to three-day fast without a doctor's supervision. Don't eat any food during the fast, but drink plenty of fluids.