Herbal Healing for Leg Swelling
Slippery Elm Salve
Make a salve paste out of slippery elm to relieve swollen legs caused by an injury. Slippery elm has natural healing agents that can ease swelling and inflammation. Take 1 tsp. of powdered slippery elm and mix with just enough water to form a thick paste. Apply paste to a clean cloth. Fold the cloth over the paste and apply to the affected area. To avoid snagging hair, apply a thin layer of olive oil to the side of the cloth touching the skin.
Swollen legs can be caused by edema, the swelling of soft tissues from an accumulation of watery blood cells. Diuretics will ease leg swelling caused by edema by ridding the body of excess water. Take dandelion herb tea as a diuretic for its abundant potassium. Diuretics flush potassium out of the body, so taking dandelion will flush your system as well as supplying necessary potassium. Brew 2 tbsp. dandelion herb in 1 cup water. Take 300 mg stinging nettle extract as a diuretic for the same results.
Horse Chestnut
Try horse chestnut as an experimental treatment to decrease leg size, leg pain, swelling and itchiness. Horse chestnut makes blood vessels more elastic and eases the pain of swollen legs. Take 300 mg of horse chestnut capsules every 12 hours for up to 12 days. Do not take these supplements if you have nut allergies or if the horse chestnut is unprocessed.
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola stabilizes the tissues that surround leg veins, bringing more oxygen to the veins. Take gotu kola to increase leg circulation, reduce swelling and ease pain. Take 60 to 120 mgs of gotu kola liposome tablets or capsules daily.