Homeopathic Cure for Allergy to Mold
Allium Cepa
This supplement is one of the most common supplements in treating allergies in general, and allergies to mold in particular. Allium Cepa is a popular remedy because it is a cheap and effective way of fighting mold allergies, and is readily available in almost every community. It can usually be found at your local pharmacy or herbal store. The supplement is derived from a compound found in onion plants, and is used to relieve coughs, runny nose and itchy eyes.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C seems to be a virtual cure-all. It helps with many allergy as well as cold symptoms, and is often taken as a daily vitamin supplement to help prevent illness from occurring in the first place. Mold allergies are counted among the many ailments that Vitamin C is used to alleviate.
Vitamin C tablets and capsules can be found in any grocery store or pharmacy. Most come in 250mg or 500mg doses, with 500mg per day being considered an adequate adult dosage. Those suffering from a mold allergy flare-up should temporarily increase the Vitamin C dosage to 1,000mg per day for three days, and then return to the normal dosage.
Those who prefer natural sources for vitamins can easily supply themselves with Vitamin C by visiting the fruit section of the local grocery store. Oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Papayas and mangoes are good options too, with each providing 95mg in half a fruit.
Natural Herbs
There are many herbs you can take to help alleviate or lessen the symptoms of allergies to mold. Each herb has its own function: To help with congestion, try taking Burdock. Marshmallow root is great to help get rid of mucous. Goldenseal root acts as a bacterial product and will also soothe inflamed membranes.
If you have trouble finding these herbs at your department store or pharmacy, try a natural-herbal or health store. Each of these herbs can be taken as individual supplements, or you can ask your local herbalist to make a blended capsule that contains all three. The three combined will be an effective treatment for any mold allergy.