Alternatives to Gallbladder Removal
Gallbladder Flush
Implementing a regimen of herbs and spices can help to flush gallstones through your intestines and out of your body. This is the most effective alternative to surgery.
Purchase Gold Coin Grass in its liquid form from a health or herbal store. This herb is designed to soften or shrink the gallstones in your body so that you can pass them from your system naturally through defecation. GCG also comes in tablet form, but the liquid will more effectively work to soften gallstones. Take 1 tbsp. every day until the bottle is gone. For adults over the age of 50 or those who have long suffered from gallbladder pain, it is recommended that you take two bottles before attempting the flush.
For at least 1 day before attempting the gallbladder flush, eat only unrefined or whole foods (such as whole grains, legumes, green or yellow vegetables and nuts). These foods contain little to no fat and a lot of fiber, which will aid with passing the gallstones.
Refrain from eating anything after dinner the day you decided to proceed with the flush. Before bedtime, drink a cup of olive oil and a cup of lemon juice; this can be spread out over time by drinking small amounts every 15 minutes.
Go to bed and sleep on your right side as much as possible throughout the night. The next day drink 4 cups of warm distilled water mixed with either sea salt or lemon juice. That day you should eat only soft vegetables and broth. The gallstones should pass the second day.
Dietary Changes
For those with mild or rare gallbladder symptoms, a change in diet may be good enough to relieve gallbladder pain without surgery. Avoiding packaged or fried foods will eliminate fat and other gas-producing problems that can irritate gallbladders. Remember never to overeat, and to only eat when you are hungry, not because of stress or cravings.
Organic foods contain the lowest number of preservatives, which make these the healthiest foods to eat when treating gallbladders. Fruit and vegetable juices will help to flush the system.
Avoid dairy products, as many are high in fat and cholesterol. Also avoid acidic food and drink such as coffee, black tea and packaged fruit juices with sugar added.