Herbal Remedies for Parkinson's Disease
Treating Parkinson's Herbally
One concoction that can be taken to help curb Parkinson's symptoms is that of skullcap and lady's slipper. You will need to make sure that you get pure skullcap rather than a less potent version. Combine the skullcap with lady's slipper and ingest three to nine grams daily, or 10 to 30 drops. Skullcap can be used in another herbal mixture, this time in tea form. Take skullcap and combine it with valerian root, passion flower, hops, horsetail and ginseng. You will need one teaspoon of each herb. Add the herbs to a cup of boiling water, let the mixture steep, then remove the herbs from the water. Drink the resulting tea three times a day. You may also make licorice root tea to treat Parkinson's. You would need to drink one cup per day, steeping it in the same way as with the skullcap tea. Licorice root also comes in capsule form, and you may prefer taking it that way. Swallow one capsule three times a day.
Taking lady's slipper on its own is also helpful in relieving some symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Use three to nine grams three times daily for the best results. Larkspur is another herb that can relieve some Parkinson's symptoms. You will need to ingest it in tea form by adding 20 grams of the herb to four cups of boiling water. Do not exceed drinking three cups of the tea per day, however. Magnolia bark should also be looked into as a helpful herb. In addition, taking passion flower with doctor-prescribed herbs has been documented as helping the doctor-prescribed medication work better. Passion flower on its own, however, is not as potent.
You may need to detoxify yourself in order to reduce some Parkinson's symptoms, as they may come about due to a buildup of toxins. Some herbs that can help clear out harmful toxins in your body are burdock root, ginger root, dandelion root and milk thistle. For stimulation of the lymphatic system and thymus that may help your body function more regularly, take cayenne and yarrow.