Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux Probiotics

While there are several pharmaceutical drugs available to treat acid reflux, there are several herbal remedies that may cure the symptoms without causing side effects. Probiotics are a treatment that may not be as effective as antibiotics. Several herbs, fruits, and other substances can do the trick.
  1. Acid Reflux and Probiotics.

    • Probiotics introduce more of the 'good' bacteria that already exists in the stomach to cause proper digestion. Assuming that symptoms of acid reflux are caused by improper digestion, probiotics are a good treatment. However, studies have shown that probiotics are beneficial for treatment of only certain types of infections that cause acid reflux. For these infections, there exist effective antibiotics. Therefore, it is unlikely that probiotics are the best remedy for acid reflux.

    Herbal Tea Remedies

    • Herbal tea can greatly reduce the heartburn and pain that results from acid reflux. Chicory and other bitter herbs such as endive and escarole can be boiled into a tea. Chamomile and fennel seed are also good ingredients with which to prepare a tea to sooth the digestive tract.


    • Pineapple contains enzymes known to reduce inflammation and aid in digestion, making fresh pineapple and pineapple juice a good tonic for acid reflux. Dried grapefruit peels are also said to calm acid reflux. It may be a good idea to keep a container of dried grapefruit peels on hand. Organically grown produce has more beneficial enzymes and is therefore preferable.


    • Ginger is known to help with all types of gastrointestinal problems by promoting good digestion. For acid reflux, candied ginger is recommended. When experiencing symptoms, chew a small piece of candied ginger.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • While most people would assume that an acidic substance would exacerbate acid reflux, apple cider vinegar can actually quell the symptoms. It is best to dilute two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and drink when experiencing symptoms.

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