Medicinal Herbs for Cysts
Buy Organic
All herbs used for healing purposes must be organic. Non-organic herbs contain chemicals that may damage the liver and harm the immune system. Health food stores are a good place to start searching for the tinctures and dry herbs to be used in the healing of cysts.
Red Root Decoction
The first step is to bring water to a boil in a large size pot and add four ounces of red root. Lower the heat, cover pot and simmer the root for 20 minutes. This is called a decoction and it is the only way to extract the healing properties out of medicinal roots. After straining the root, drink decoction throughout the day.
Moving the Blood
Twice when drinking the red root decoction, add a dropperful of both prickly ash and dang gui tinctures. These tinctures along with the decoction will act as blood movers. If treating ovarian or breast cysts, add two eye droppers full of vitex tincture, first thing in the morning. As mentioned earlier, vitex balances hormones and is a good addition for female reproductive health issues.
Aiding the Removal
The active constituents in castor oil, lectins, are what will be absorbed through the skin to activate the immune system and help remove the cyst. To make a castor oil pack, soak a thick cloth the oil and warm it in a toaster oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until hot.
Place the cloth in the area of the cyst covered first by plastic and then by a small towel followed by a heat pad or hot water bottle in order to keep it warm for 45 minutes to an hour.
Continuity and Medical Advice
It is important to take the mentioned steps for at least two weeks and monitor the improvement of the cyst dissolution or removal. Make your physician aware of any herbs you are taking, since some herbs may not be suited if taking prescription medications. Your doctor may even recommend a particular brand, type or usage of the herbs customized for your particular situation.