How to Treat With Graviola
Things You'll Need
- Medium pot
- Graviola leaf or powder
- Cup
- Strainer
Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a medium-sized pot. Reduce heat to low and wait until the water stops boiling.
Add 2 tsp. of dried graviola leaf to the water, cover and let simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. If you have graviola powder, use 1 tsp. You can find graviola at vitamin and health food stores and from many online retailers.
Stir occasionally. Do not let the water boil, as that may destroy some of the potent compounds in the graviola.
Strain the graviola leaf out of the hot water. Drink one to three cups of graviola tea a day.
Continue drinking graviola tea on a daily basis. Discontinue use or reduce dosage if adverse effects develop.