What Are the Side Effects of Venacura?
The main ingredient of Venacura is Diosmin 95. This substance is manufactured from citrus rinds.
Venacura, because it contains Diosmin 95, works on spider veins by strengthening vein walls and increasing drainage of the lymph nodes.
Additional Uses
Venacura may also be helpful in reducing hemorrhoids, lymphedema and diabetes. Studies are continuing to find out if Diosmin is helpful in cancer treatments.
Side Effects
Diosmin has no adverse side effects. There are no dangers with Diosmin for pregnant women or fetuses.
There are no recorded interactions with Diosmin and prescription medications, but care should be taken when using blood thinners such as aspirin.
Neither Venacura nor its main ingredient, Diosmin 95, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Venacura is sold by Urban Nutrition LLC, which also sells non-prescription weight loss, and mood enhancing, face wrinkle, and sexual enhancement aids, none of which are FDA-approved. However, the main ingredient of Venacura has been found in studies to help appearance of and pain from spider veins.