Herbs to Relieve Intraocular Pressure
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is not a herb, but it is found in high amounts in certain herbs like rose hips, hibiscus and amla, an Indian fruit that is used as a base in many ayurvedic herbal formulations. A study published in the journal "Alternative Medicine Review" in April 2001 found that vitamin C in high doses lowered increased intraocular pressure. Drink a strong tea made from rose hips and hibiscus throughout the day to get this effect. You can find amla fruit at Indian groceries as well as in supplement form at many health food stores. A study published in the "International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition" in August 2007 found amla to posses 445 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, the highest of the 35 fruits tested.
Goji Berries
Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, have been used in traditional Chinese herbalism for centuries to treat a wide variety of eye conditions. A study published in the journal "Experimental Neurology" in 2003 tested goji berries on patients with elevated ocular pressure. The study found that although goji berries did not lower ocular pressure to a high degree, they did protect the retinas of rats from the damage that is usually associated with ocular hypertension. Goji berries can be found at most health food stores and Chinese herb shops, but be careful--expensive foji berry products may be nothing more than pyramid marketing schemes.