Herbal Alternative to Lexapro
Why Use Herbs
Many people do not know that the prescribed drugs we use today are derived from plants. According to "The Holistic Herbal Directory" by Penelope Ody, herbs have special chemicals that affect the body in different ways. Some have chemicals to thin the blood, while others have chemicals that can increase the flow of blood. Certain combinations of herbs can work together to reduce symptoms that come with depression or release endorphins to allow feelings of calm and happiness.
Drinking hot tea in and of itself is soothing. One recipe is gentian root tea. You need ½ oz. finely chopped poplar bark and ½ oz. gentian root. Steep both herbs in 2 pints water for 15 minutes. Next, add ½ oz. agrimony and ½ oz. centaury. Simmer for 10 minutes, cool and strain. If you like, add honey to sweeten. The dosage is 3 to 4 tbsps between meals. Refrigerate any unused portion, which should stay fresh for two weeks, and reheat as needed. Also try rosemary-sage tea. Boil 2 cups water with 1 tsp. rosemary and 1 tsp. sage. Fresh rosemary and sage are best. Steep for 5 minutes, strain, and drink this daily. Last, you can make clove tea. Purchase either sage, chamomile or peppermint tea, and prepare it according to directions. Add crushed cloves and a dash of ginseng powder.
Tinctures and Capsules
If you are not a fan of tea, you may prefer tinctures. A popular anti-depressant tincture found at holisticonline.com requires 1 tsp. tincture of St. John's wort's leaf and ½ tsp. tinctures of licorice root, ginseng roots and lemon balm leaves. Next, combine all the ingredients, and take one dropper three times a day. St. John's wort or kava kava root in capsules can aid depression. Take the capsules as suggested on the label. Capsules that contain a concentrated amount of the dried herb assimilate in your body easily and may be more effective for you. All the herbs can be found at your health food store. Depression is a serious disease. Seek the assistance of your health-care practitioner before starting any herbal remedy.