Adverse Effect of Essiac Tea & Drugs
Diarrhea and gastronomical discomfort are common side effects of essiac, especially when it is first consumed. Users experiencing diarrhea are advised to reduce their dosage to 1 oz. per day until the problem is resolved.
Allergic Reactions
The common essiac ingredient sheep sorrel is a known allergen. Users experiencing itchy rashes, runny eyes and fevers should discontinue essiac immediately.
Kidney Stones and Problems
Users with a history of kidney stones and ailments should avoid essiac blends containing sheep sorrel and Turkish rhubarb. Both ingredients contain oxalic acid, which is known to cause kidney stones to form.
Lower or Higher Blood Sugar
Because burdock root, a common ingredient in essiac blends, can sometimes affect the body's glucose levels, persons with diabetes should first consult their doctor before using essiac.
Pregnant or lactating women are advised not to take essiac because ingredients containing oxalic acid can have a negative effect on the baby's development. Also, ingredients such as Turkish rhubarb and burdock can cause the uterus to contract, and some studies have shown that whole slippery elm bark carries a higher risk of miscarriage.