Directions for Vanadyl Sulfate
Directions for Vanadyl Sulfate
Vanadyl sulfate is often taken by weight lifters and body builders as a nutritional supplement. The supplement is usually consumed as a commercially prepared product and label directions should always be followed. According to the Web site, the recommended safe dose is somewhere between 30 and 50 milligrams per day. This dosage would be divided by the number of meals consumed and taken with each meal.
Vanadyl sulfate also is used as a nutritional supplement by diabetics. While testing is ongoing, there are indications the substance acts as an insulin sensitizer and improves the body's use of insulin. Tests conducted in India and reported by indicated vanadium lowered blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. The same study found vanadium also lowered cholesterol in rats.
Diabetic patients considering vanadyl sulfate should consult their medical doctor before beginning the therapy. They also would need to monitor their blood sugar levels closely to make sure they do not become too low. Users should follow the dosage instructions on the commercial products. The amount of active ingredient in each pill or capsule varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, which will affect the actual dosage.
There are overdose dangers associated with vanadyl sulfate. A study reported by Vanderbilt University found 40 percent of diabetic patients who took 22.5 milligrams of vanadyl sulfate for five months developed digestive tract problems. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration considers all vanadium compounds toxic and has set limits on workplace exposure.
Indications of over-exposure to vanadyl sulfate include nausea, vomiting and a green tongue.