How to Take Kava Root Extract

South Pacific islanders have been using the kava root extract for millennium, not only in community ceremonies, but also to simply relax, increase awareness, and decrease the tensions of the day. The sharp taste of the traditionally made tea may be an acquired taste, but taken in smaller doses over a consistent period of time, the potency of kava can provide a natural way to relieve stress. Physicians and health specialists have often recommended the use of kava to help relieve a number of ailments and conditions such as, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Things You'll Need

  • Water pitcher
  • 6 tablespoons ground kava
  • 1 quart water (room temperature)
  • 1 filter cloth
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  1. Process

    • 1

      Fill your filter cloth with six tablespoons of ground kava. Be sure to cinch the cloth well enough that the contents will not seep out. If you do not have a filter cloth, a pair of panty hose or cloth tea bags will suffice.

    • 2

      Immerse the filter bag into one quart of room temperature water. For two minutes, massage the contents of the bag, extracting a fine powder into the water, creating a tea. A stronger flavor can be released into the water with a longer, deeper massage. Do not allow the contents of the filter bag to sit and soak in the water like a traditional tea bag.

    • 3

      After massaging the filter bag, lift it out of the water and squeeze it as dry as possible from all remaining water. Pour the decoction into a water pitcher and serve as is.

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