Natural Ways to Clear Ears
Hydrogen Peroxide
The primary ingredient in many over-the-counter ear wax removal drops is hydrogen peroxide. You can skip the cost and use hydrogen peroxide to break up wax and clear ear congestion. Once a day, for three consecutive days, put three or four drops in your ear. After three days, flush your ear with a bulb syringe and sterile warm water. Lean over the sink with your head tilted so the water runs right back out of your ear. To dry the ear canal, let a drop of rubbing alcohol run down into your ear canal, and then tilt your head so it drips back out.
Other natural ways to clear ears include mineral oil, olive oil or baby oil. Warm the oil by putting the container in 1 cup hot water. When the oil is warm, measure 1 tsp. into a dropper. Tilt your head so the warm oil runs down into your ear. Let the oil stay in your ear for about five minutes. Then, flush the ear with sterile warm and a bulb syringe as you tilt your head over the sink.
There are a number of herbs you can take to reduce or eliminate ear congestion. Many of these herbs can be consumed as a tea or taken in supplement form for this purpose. Some of the most popular herbs include ginger, elderberry and licorice root.