Detox Herbal Cleanser
Liver Cleanse
A weak liver can be a precursor to many chronic health problems, such as insomnia, fatigue, arthritis, hypoglycemia and heightened susceptibility to infections. Gentian and bupleurum are a couple of herbs that many use to help strengthen the liver. The Chinese have used them for thousands of years, as they are said to benefit liver functioning and aid in digestion. Gentian root and bupleurum extracts are not standard issue herbs and must be sought at specialty health food stores or purchased over the Internet.
More commonly known herbs to aid in liver detox are B vitamins, beta carotene, milk thistle and selenium. These supplements can be taken daily to improve liver function. Most drug stores and supermarkets have these available individually or most may be combined into a multivitamin supplement.
Colon Cleanse
The colon helps rid the body of waste products as well as absorb water and essential nutrients. To clean out the colon, it is important to use an herbal supplement such like flaxseed or the laxative psyllium to detach toxin buildup along colon walls. Flaxseed can be found in many forms: ground, as an oil, or as a supplement pill. Psyllium is a bulk forming fiber laxative that helps flush toxins out in bowel movements. Follow up with probiotics, once either or both of these have been ingested. Probiotics replace the good bacteria in the colon, improving its ability to function properly. These can be found in yogurts, soy products, milks, miso and in supplement pill form as well.
Kidney Cleanse
Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body. It filters toxins out of the bloodstream and regulates water and electrolyte balance. The formation of kidney stones are a painful experience and can be avoided by drinking plenty of fluids. Water is essential for kidney cleansing as they flow through the kidneys, pick up toxins and flush them out of the body. Drink half an ounce of water for every pound you weigh. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water daily.
Cranberry and dandelion root supplements are also great choices for optimum kidney support. These can be found at most supermarkets and health food stores.
Natural Cleanse
Aside from herbal supplements, there are many ways to cleanse the body at home. Sweating helps rid the body of toxins. This can be accomplished through an exercise program or from sitting in a sauna or steam room. Do not smoke and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. These activities can damage your internal organs, causing them not to function as well. This is mostly an environmental cause, but access to fresh air helps to eliminate pollutants' ability to enter the body. Lastly, adequate sleep is the most natural self-cleansing process available. We must have ample rest so that organs can regenerate daily and function well.