Home Remedy for Strep
Toast and Vinegar
Vinegar has the ability to eliminate many bacterial irritants and cure many common infections. A vast majority of home remedies include vinegar, due to its infection fighting capability and health benefits.
For Strep throat, try toasting two slices of wheat bread. Any bread is suitable; however, wheat bread contains fewer calories and high fiber contents. Soak the bread slices in vinegar, making sure the bread is completely saturated. Consume the bread; bread should be soggy enough to suck and swallow, requiring no additional chewing. You could always consume a small amount of vinegar in a drinking glass; however, soaking the toast in vinegar allows the individual to not only speed the healing process by consuming vinegar, but provides nutrients from the bread itself, and is a small meal that is easily swallowed, therefore not irritating to the throat.
Consuming a minimum 64 ounces of water per day is always beneficial to the body. Water flushes toxins, contains essential minerals needed for the body to function properly and is just plain refreshing. Drinking a minimum eight glasses of water is highly stressed when illness develops; maintaining proper hydration is essential for the body to fight off infection.
Garlic Oil
According to the "Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Ontario Ministry of Innovation, "Garlic is a natural antibiotic that when consumed can enable the body to fight off several infectious bacterias." Many bacterias build resistance to an antibiotic over time; however, garlic is the super food and super antibiotic. Due to it's potency and chemical compound make-up, bacterias are not able to build a resistance to this wonderful food. Home remedies and modern day medicines include garlic, and swear by it.
Streptococcus can be counteracted by garlic consumption and contact. A common home remedy for strep includes adding three to four drops of garlic oil to 1/4 cup of water. This mixture is intended to be gargled two times daily for four days. Symptoms of strep should subside, and soreness of throat should improve.
When to seek Medical Attention
Strep is generally treated with plenty of fluids, an antibiotic and adequate rest. However, Strep may develop into serious medical conditions if symptoms persist or continue for longer than a one week interval. Seek medical attention immediately if a high fever develops, a cough worsens and creates mucus, and if the glands are extremely swollen, producing facial pain.