Home Remedy for Male Yeast
Applying remedies to the effected area will help to relieve symptoms and eliminate the infection. Over the counter anti-fungal creams such as Diflucan will help to kill candida, the fungus that causes male yeast infections. Apply these creams based on product instructions for relief from the symptoms and to kill the fungus. Add one to two drops of white vinegar to the cream for an added anti-fungal boost.
Certain healthy bacterias produced naturally in health food and our bodies will help to combat candida. Apply a layer of plain yogurt to the effected area
Herbs can be extremely effective in killing candida fungus. Tea tree oil is an anti-fungal treatment that can be purchased at health food stores. Apply tea tree oil directly to the infected area; be sure to dilute it with water, however, with at least a one-to-one ratio of oil to water, as it will burn infected skin. Extracts of garlic, olive leaf or oregano can also kill the fungus when applied directly to the infection.
Soak in a tub with warm water mixed with one cup of vinegar. The vinegar will help to kill the fungus.
The candida fungus thrives on sugar intake. Limit sugar and carbohydrates (especially fried foods) in your diet while you are fighting a yeast infection to give the candida less of a chance to grow.
Eat at least two servings of yogurt each day to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your system. This will supplement the application of yogurt to the surface of your skin. Also, add garlic, oregano or olive oil to your diet for added anti-fungal effects.
Uncircumcised men are more likely to get a male yeast infection, as the moist area under the foreskin is ideal for fungal growth. Wipe that area clean after each urination, and dry thoroughly after each bath or shower to prevent moisture from building up. Also, wearing cotton undergarments will increase airflow and limit the buildup of moisture from sweating.
Yeast infections can be passed between men and women through sexual intercourse. Refrain from sexual activity for at least two to three days after the infection is completely gone; the same goes if your partner also has a yeast infection. This will prevent the infection from spreading or returning.