Bloating Gas Natural Cure
Herbal Remedies
Among the most effective herbal gas and bloating remedies is fennel seed. According to, the oils responsible for fennel's carminative effects are anethol and fenchone. Fennel seeds can be chewed after meals or brewed into a tea for their gas-dispelling effects. To make fennel seed tea, simply crush 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds and steep in a cup of boiling water for 10 to 12 minutes. Like fennel seed, anise seed contains anethol and is an effective remedy for gas.
For bloating, dandelion root and uva ursi are excellent choices. Both have diuretic effects that increase urine output, thereby ridding the body of excess water. Other effective herbal remedies for gas and bloating include ginger root, peppermint and calamus root.
Lifestyle Approaches
In addition to herbal remedies, changes in lifestyle and behavior can help reduce the frequency of gas and bloating.
Gentle exercise is one of the most effective means of dispelling gas. The movement and increase in body heat triggered by exercise forces excess gas through the digestive tract faster, decreasing the duration of symptoms. According to, walking can help dispel excess gas associated with pre-menstrual syndrome. For a quick and easy way to relieve gas and bloating, lie on your back and kick your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Allow your hips to lift off the floor as much as possible for best results.
Acupressure is another natural method of relieving gas and bloating. Based on the theory that all parts of the body are interconnected, acupressure works by stimulating nerve endings that extend from various parts of the body and end in the hands and feet. By applying pressure to the points representing the stomach and intestines, it's possible to help trigger the release of gas.
Despite the efficacy of natural remedies in treating gas and bloating, the best method of treatment is prevention. Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly to avoid unnecessary digestive strain, and avoid foods known to cause symptoms. Common gas-forming foods include broccoli, beans, cabbage, peppers and carbonated beverages. Avoid talking excessively during meals or chewing gum, as this encourages the swallowing of air and the formation of gas bubbles.
Bloating can be prevented by limiting sodium intake and staying hydrated. While it would seem to worsen bloating, drinking water prevents dehydration, which can lead to fluid retention. According to, active adults should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration. Avoiding heavy, greasy meals and exercising for 30 to 45 minutes daily can also help prevent bloating for many people.