Natural Remedy for Mouth Fungus

Mouth fungus, also referred to as candida albicans, thrush or yeast, occurs when the natural balance of candida, or yeast, in the body is out of balance. This can be exhibited by excess fungus in the mouth, which appears in the form of white lesions in the mouth and inner cheeks that are painful and may bleed when scraped. Fortunately this mouth fungus infection can be eliminated with natural remedies.
  1. Yogurt

    • Yogurt contains acidophilus bacteria, which ferments the yogurt and is also a good bacteria that will balance out the candida in your body. Yogurt should always be your first line of defense as soon as you think you may have an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth or body. If you are taking antibiotics, which are known to encourage yeast growth, you should automatically consume extra yogurt to combat this side effect. It is best to consume unsweetened yogurt, as sugar encourages oral fungus growth. You can also purchase acidophilus pills to take orally.


    • Garlic is an effective antifungal agent, natural antibiotic and detoxifier. If you can stand it, eat it as raw as possible in your food. Consuming garlic daily will not only fight oral fungus but will improve the immune system. If you don't want to eat garlic, you can take garlic in tincture or pill form.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Certain foods encourage the growth of mouth fungus. They should be avoided during a mouth fungus breakout and following it to prevent relapse. Anything that contains yeast, such as breads, muffins and baked goods, will encourage more yeast growth. You should also avoid anything containing gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye. Other foods that encourage fungus growth are cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts and mushrooms.

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