Home Remedy for a Ginger Liver Cleanser
Ginger Tea
Drinking a cup of ginger tea is one home remedy liver cleanser. Visit a health food store or vitamin shop and buy ginger in tea bag form. Do not use the ginger in bulk, the leaves will only aggravate the toxins in your liver. Drink one to two cups of ginger tea each a day---one cup in the morning and one in the evening. You may notice you are going to the restroom a little bit more at first. This is the ginger flushing your liver of the poisons.
Ginger Root
Another ginger-related home remedy liver cleanser is to chew on ginger root. Purchase a small whole ginger root from your grocery or health food store and cut it into small pieces. Make sure you wash the ginger root in cold water to remove any dust and dirt. Place the pieces in sandwich bags so you can easily pull out a piece and chew on it during the day.
Ginger Root Smoothie
A ginger root smoothie is an easy to make home remedy liver cleanser. All you need is about three whole ginger roots, a grater, a large bowl, 1 cup of bottled water, a large glass and a blender. Grate the ginger root into a large bowl. A little ginger juice may appear from the grated ginger root, that is OK, keep it in the bowl. Fill a blender with 1 cup of bottled water, the grated pieces of ginger root and any juice present in the bowl. Blend the ginger root mixture on "High" and "Grate" if your blender has the "Grate" option or "Pulse." Drink a large glass of the ginger root juice each morning.
Note, do not use tap water. Tap water has too many minerals and other additives that will only be filtered and stored by the liver.