Herbal Remedies for Kidney Health
Cleansing Herbal Teas
Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out your kidneys and your urinary system. Since herbal teas are water based, the tea works like water but with the added benefit of containing herbs that aid in cleansing your kidneys. Drink these teas to help keep your kidneys in good health.
One tea you can drink is cornsilk tea. The silky strands that accompany ears of corn (called cornsilk) can be steeped in boiling water to create a tea. In addition, mix a little lemon juice into the tea (lemon juice is a natural antiseptic so it helps to kill bacteria). The cornsilk tea was used as a remedy by Native Americans in South and Central America to regulate kidney and urinary problems. Drinking cornsilk tea mixed with a little lemon helps increase urine flow and also helps restore the kidneys. Regularly drinking this tea, therefore, can help you maintain healthy kidneys.
A second tea to try is watermelon seed tea. Watermelon seed tea, like cornsilk tea, is another herbal remedy for kidney health. This remedy was developed back in the late 1600's and is known to help dissolve kidney stones and to promote kidney and bladder health in general. To make the tea, ground up some watermelon seeds into a powder. Boil some water and pour the water over the ground watermelon seeds. Steep the tea and then strain it before drinking. Drink this tea at least once a day, three days a week, for optimal results.