How to Make a Flax Seed Neck Wrap
Things You'll Need
- Durable fabric, 12-by-28 inches
- Needle and thread or sewing machine
- Scissors
- Whole flax seed
Obtain suitable fabric that will stand up well to heating in the microwave. Cotton, flannel and fleece are commonly used to make hot and cold packs; flannel and fleece in particular are soft against the skin.
Cut the fabric into a rectangle 12 inches wide by 28 inches long. Allow 1/2 inch for seams. The size can be altered to be bigger or smaller based on preference, but the size noted will accommodate a variety of neck sizes.
Fold the fabric in half, wrong side out. Pin the edges together.
Start at one of the short sides and stitch a 1/2 inch seam from the folded edge to the corner. Turn and stitch up the long side that has been pinned together. Again, leave a 1/2 inch seam. Back stitch at the end of the long side and cut the threads.
On the third side, stitch a 1/2 inch seam from the pinned edge halfway to the folded edge. Back stitch and cut threads.
Turn the fabric right side out. Carefully push the corners out from the inside so they are squared off as much as possible; use the tip of a pair of closed scissors. Iron the neck wrap flat.
Stitch a straight line through the fabric, every 4 1/2 inches, across the width of the wrap, starting 1 inch in from the seam and ending 1 inch from the opposite seam. These straight stitches will be used to hold the flax seed in place within the wrap so the filling doesn't all go down into the ends when placed around the neck.
Fill the neck wrap with flax seed. It may take 3 to 5 cups of seed to fill the neck wrap depending on personal preference. Leave a minimum of 1 1/2 inches at the top of the wrap to be able to turn the seam in and stitch the open end.
Shake the neck wrap so flax seed moves down away from the opening of the wrap. Fold in the edges of the fabric and stitch across the seam to finish the flax seed neck wrap.