What to Do for Gas in the Stomach & Intestines?
Peppermint is a common flavoring in toothpaste, gum and other foods, but it is also used for medicinal purposes. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, peppermint is effective at treating digestive complications, such as bloating or excessive gas, because it is able to calm the digestive system. It works by relaxing the intestinal muscles, which allows trapped gas in the digestive system to escape the body. The main active ingredient in peppermint is menthol, which is a volatile oil used not only as medicine but also as the main ingredient in peppermint flavoring. To treat gas in the stomach, consider drinking peppermint tea. You can purchase pre-packaged peppermint tea at any health food or grocery store.
Gas trapped in the intestines can also be treated with peppermint, though enteric-coated capsules are recommended because they do not release the extract until it has reached the intestines. Make sure you purchase capsules with 0.2 milliliters of peppermint oil and consume two to three capsules at the onset of intestinal gas.
Lifestyle Remedies
The Mayo Clinic cites several foods that can cause gas to build up in the intestines, including cauliflower, baked beans, lettuce, chewing gum, apples and soda. If you notice a buildup of gas after consuming any of these foods, reduce your intake immediately. Stomach gas is expelled from the body by belching, but excessive belching can be a sign of gastritis, which occurs when stomach lining becomes inflamed. To reduce gas in the stomach, drink and eat more slowly to avoid swallowing air. Chewing gum causes saliva glands to produce more saliva, which ultimately requires you to swallow frequently. As you swallow you are also ingesting air, so avoid chewing gum if you notice an increase in stomach gas.