Harmful Effects of Senna Leaf & Chelated Magnesium
Senna leaf and magnesium chelate are prescribed for relief of acute constipation. They also are used in weight-loss programs to reduce absorption of food.
Senna leaf acts as a irritating stimulant of the lower bowel, while magnesium compounds work on the fluid balance of the small intestine. Both stimulate peristalsis.
Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid taking stimulant laxatives unless advised to do so by their physician.
Magnesium chelate can trigger severe allergic reaction due to the amino acids used in chelation.
Lazy Bowel Syndrome
One major effect of chronic stimulant laxative use is "lazy bowel" syndrome or laxative dependency as the bowel becomes desensitized to normal peristalsis stimuli. A change to emollient or bulk-producing laxatives is often recommended to relieve the condition.