Is 5-Htp Harmful?
H-5Htp is nonprescription medication often used in the treatment of depression and anxiety. The substance has been available since 1995 and is synthetically produced or extracted from the griffonia plant. This shrub is native to Africa, but seeds are available and it is often grown in other areas.-
5-Htp Dangers
According to the Baptist Health Systems website there have been no reported major adverse side effects. Minor side effects, digestive problems or allergic reactions were short term.
5-Htp and Parkinson's Disease
There are concerns of an interaction between 5-Htp and carbidopa, a drug commonly used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Skin problems can result.
High Dosage uses of 5-Htp
Studies done on dogs given very high dosages of 5-Htp have resulted in what is call serotonin syndrome or an excessive level of the brain chemical serotonin. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include confusion and agitation. Caution is urged for people taking 5-Htp and prescription antidepressants such as Prozac, which raise the level of serotonin.
5-Htp and Children
The Baptist Health System reports most children can tolerate 5-Htp without adverse side effects. Concerns exist that 5-Htp might be linked to seizures in developmentally disabled children.
5-HTP and Pregnant Women
No studies have been conducted to ascertain the safety of the use of 5-Htp by pregnant or lactating women, or any person with kidney problems.