How to Heal Bones With Comfrey
Things You'll Need
- Ointment:
- 100 g dried comfrey root
- 3 tbls. olive oil
- Medium sized bowl
- Cheesecloth
- 1 ¼ cup beeswax
- Saucepan
- 1-cup castor oil
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 to 3 glass storage jars
- Poultice:
- Dried comfrey root
- Water
- Mortar and pestle
- Gauze
- Ace bandage
Preparing Ointment
Place the comfrey root and the olive oil in the bowl. Allow this to sit undisturbed, covered, for at least two weeks in order to allow the oil to become infused with the comfrey.
Strain the olive oil and comfrey root through the cheesecloth, reserving the oil.
Melt the beeswax in your saucepan and stir in the castor oil, olive oil and lavender essential oil.
Pour the mixture into the glass jars. When it has cooled, it is ready for topical use.
Preparing a Poultice
Place the comfrey into the bowl and add enough water to make the comfrey wet, but not saturated.
Grind the mixture with the mortar and pestle until it forms a paste, adjusting the water and comfrey ratio as necessary. You'll want to make enough paste to cover the affected area.
Heat the paste briefly on low heat in the saucepan, being careful not to burn it.
Place a layer of gauze over the affected area and apply a layer of paste over the gauze. Add an additional layer of gauze over the paste. Wrap the area with the ace bandage. Keep it in place until the poultice is dried out.