What Herbs to Take for Candida Albicans
Allopathic Treatment
Visit your doctor to determine the exact cause of your condition. There are numerous antifungal medications available to cure any kind of yeast overgrowth. Antifungal medications can be consumed in tablet form, oral rinse, creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories. If your doctor determines that you have a vaginal yeast infection, there are many over-the-counter drugs available, such as vagistat (ticonazole) or Monistat (miconazole). Diflucan (fluconazole) may be prescribed by your doctor if over-the-counter options don't work. Allow two days to two weeks to notice any improvement in your condition.
Herbal Remedies
Pau d'arco bark is a powerful antifungal, as well as antibacterial, which helps to get rid of harmful yeast cells and strengthen the immune system. To drink as a tea, boil 2 tbsp of this herb in one quart of water; consume three to six cups daily, or use as a vaginal douche after the tea has cooled.
Echinacea stimulates white blood cells and boosts the immune system, which helps to eliminate yeast cells. To consume echinacea in tincture form, put from eight to 10 standard drops into a cup of water, blend well, and then drink it down. Do this two times a day for a week, or as your health care provider -- usually an herbalist -- directs. Drink 2 to 4 ml of echinacea juice, or take 1000 mg in capsule form, three times per day.
Garlic is one of the most popular herbs around. This herb has several sulfur compounds that are very powerful antifungal mixtures. Ideally, you should eat this herb raw by putting it in a salad, a dip or salsa. If you must cook it, try it in spaghetti sauce. Take one clove a day for its healing benefits, or take one capsule or tablet that is equivalent to 4, 000 to 5,000 mcg of allicin or as directed.
Oregano oil has very strong antibacterial, antifungal properties, and it is also considered a natural antibiotic. Take 200 to 400 mg in capsule form between meals two times a day. You can also add this herb to a salad dressing or put several drops of the oil in a glass of water, mix and drink straight. The oil has carvacrol, a phenol that is an effective antifungal compound.
Use Caution
Consult an herbalist to determine the optimal dose for you to take. After all, you want to get the yeast under control, not eradicate it. Also, be aware that some herbs can cause side effects and can interact with other prescription medications, supplements, herbs and over-the-counter drugs, so speak with your medical doctor when in doubt.