Herbal Preparations for Pain Relief
Devil's Claw, White Willow Bark and Cayenne
Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), white willow bark (Salix alba), and cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) are three commonly sold herbal preparations that boast claims of pain relief. A 2007 study titled "Herbal Medicine for Low Back Pain" conducted by the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto in Canada concluded that all three of these substances reduced lower back pain in patients more than the placebo. A 2004 study by Universidade Federal de São Paulo titled "Evaluation of Acute and Chronic Treatments with Harpagophytum Procumbens" concluded that devil's claw produced a "protective effect against the pain induced by the thermal stimulus," and that the substance exhibited anti-inflammatory properties. However, like many studies done with herbal preparations, the data was limited and left out many factors, most notably side effects.
Yucca Plant
The Yucca plant is found primarily in the southwestern region of the United States. A 2002 paper written by the University School of Medicine titled "Comparison of the Total Antioxidant Content of 30 Widely Used Medicinal Plants of New Mexico" indicated that teas made from the yucca plant are used by local inhabitants for a variety of ailments, including heart disorders, asthma, fever, headaches, infections, menstrual pain and arthritis. While it has been shown that the yucca plant, particularly the root, contains antioxidant properties, there have been no formal studies done to prove the efficacy of it to remedy pain relief. Yet, it is still marketed by various retailers as a dietary supplement that has the ability to provide pain relief.
"The 7 Most Efficient" Herbal Pain Relievers
NutraLegacy.com, an Internet retailer of natural products and herbal remedies, compiled it's own list of what it claims are the "seven most efficient pain relievers." There is no clinical research data or scientific evidence to support this list, but it is indicative of how the industry is marketed. In the opinion of NutraLegacy.com, the seven most efficient pain relievers in descending order are: glucosamine and chondroitin, capsaicin, fish oil, bosweillia, arnica, turmeric and holy basil. The company in its mission statement claims to "offer accurate information to the present and future generations on how to live and maintain a healthy, successful and productive lifestyle."