How to Treat Genital Warts With Vinegar
Things You'll Need
- Washcloth
- Cotton balls
- Small container
- Apple cider vinegar
- Latex gloves
- Trash bag
Preparation and Application
Apply a warm washcloth to the genital area, or take a warm bath, 15 minutes prior to starting the treatment. After applying the washcloth to the infected area, wash the cloth with bleach or a detergent that contains bleach.
Set aside 5 cotton balls, container, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
Put on latex gloves. Pour 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into container.
Soak a single cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Apply cotton ball directly to wart. Use one cotton ball for each wart. For large clusters of warts, use a new cotton ball for each application to the cluster. Immediately throw cotton ball into trash bag when finished.
Allow genital area to dry completely before putting undergarments on. This may take up to 10 minutes depending on the amount of vinegar applied and the size of the infected area.
Remove latex gloves and place them into trash bag. Repeat all steps two times per day until warts have disappeared.