Remedies for Toothaches & Swollen Gums
Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
Hydrogen peroxide can be used to kill bacteria and other infections that can cause a toothache, according to Dental Health Magazine. To utilize this remedy, purchase a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, which is available at the local drug store. Mix ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons of water and mix. Place this solution in your mouth and swish it around for 15 to 30 seconds, and then spit. Make sure that you do not swallow this mixture, as hydrogen peroxide is toxic when ingested. Immediately rinse the mouth out with lukewarm water and repeat throughout your day to help numb a toothache and reduce gum swelling.
Clove Oil
Clove oil is commonly used as a fragrance, as well as to flavor foods. It is also a medicinal herb that features antiseptic properties, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Cloves are often found within specialized cigarettes, which are called kreteks, or simply "cloves." The main active ingredient within this herb is eugenol oil, which features antibacterial, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. While cloves are used medicinally for premature ejaculation, fever reduction as well as to repel insects, scientific evidence is lacking for these uses. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, however, the use of cloves for toothaches has significant scientific backing. Studies highlighted by the National Library of Medicine show that clove oil is as effective in treating dental pain as 20 percent benzocaine gel, which is a common ingredient within oral medications. While this is a medicinal oil, it should never be introduced into the mouth without being diluted. Undiluted contact with the gums could cause tissue damage as well as surface burns. To properly dilute this oil, combine 1 to 2 drops of clove oil with 2 teaspoons of almond or olive oil. Mix these ingredients together and apply with a cotton swab directly to the toothache and swollen gum area. If the pain increases or a burning sensation is present, immediately rinse the mouth with lukewarm water until the sensation has ceased.