Liver & Gallbladder Detox
Since cholesterol and fats are processed by the liver, you should eat a low fat, plentiful fresh fruit and vegetable diet during your liver and gallbladder detox. Stay away from alcohol, preserved food and any other substances that may have added chemicals, such as artificial colorings or flavorings. Steamed vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli are great for liver function as is artichoke, which contains unique compounds that are found in most members of the thistle family and may able to protect the liver from toxic substances. In fact, a study published in the journal "Phytomedicine" in 2002 found that an extract of artichoke leaf was able to stimulate bile production and bile flow in rats.
Different advocates of liver detoxing proclaim the benefits of various juices on the function of the liver and gallbladder. However, the unique compounds in citrus fruits have been found to have a very specific and powerful effect on the ability of the liver to function in the presence of toxic substances. In a study published in the journal "Carcinogenesis" in February 2004, Japanese researchers found that giving grapefruit juice to rats reduced damage to their liver caused by aflatoxins by 65 percent over rats that were not given grapefruit juice. Aflatoxins are common toxic substances that are produced by microscopic fungi that can infest grains, nuts, vegetable oils and many other common foods and are known to damage the DNA of liver cells and possibly cause mutations. The rats that were given grapefruit juice showed an inhibition of the effect of the aflatoxins on their liver. Juice consumed on a liver detox should be fresh, preferably just squeezed, and not pasteurized or processed in any way.
There are many herbs that have been used traditionally for liver and gallbladder cleanses and there are many formulas available that combine some of these herbs to produce a detox product. One of the most commonly used liver cleansing formulas in Japan and China is called Sho-saiko-to or Xiao Chai Hu Tang and is comprised of bupleurum, licorice, ginseng, jujube, pinellia tuber, ginger and skullcap root. A study published in the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" in February 2005 by a team of Chinese researchers found that Sho-saiko-to was able to suppress some of the factors responsible for bile duct fibroids as well as increase the factors responsible for killing off tumor cells. Sho-saiko-to can be found in many health food stores and Chinese herb shops as well as online.