Olive Oil As Rosacea Treatment
Those with rosacea believe chemical treatments will help, when, in fact, they actually damage the skin. Rosacea is not a curable disorder. There are ways to decrease its effect. Natural ingredients such as olive oil and oatmeal are better options for a moisturizer.
Rosacea makes the skin dry out and lose its moisture. However, moisturizing the skin alone isn't the answer. The skin requires a substance, such as olive oil, that works to restore the skin's cells and doesn't allow the moisture to escape from the skin
Olive Oil Information
Olive oil is a great substance to use for rosacea. It nourishes the dry skin and restores it to a better condition and gives it a more youthful appearance. It works with the body's natural chemicals to contain moisture.
Homemade facial masks are another option to help treat the effects of rosacea. Never make a mask of clay or mud, instead use a mix of tea, oatmeal and olive oil.
If you are having serious health problems with rosacea, seek medical advice immediately. A doctor may prescribe something other than natural treatment options.