What Are the Benefits of Banaba?
The Banaba bush, which is native primarily to India, can be found quite commonly in Australia and the Philippines. The plant was first cataloged by Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish physician and botanist. Banaba has been used for controlling blood glucose levels for years among the people of East Asia.
The Banaba bush is also known as the crepe myrtle and is famous for its elegant flowers and dark bark, which sheds away in large patches throughout the year. The leaves, the parts most often used, are generally between 3 and 10 inches in length, and the bush can grow to extreme heights; most varieties are small to medium in size. The Bush can be grown in almost any climate.
The most common method of use has traditionally been to brew the leaves into a strong and bitter tea. The popularity of herbal and holistic medical alternatives has led to the availability of Banaba extract in the form of soft gel capsules.
The extract of the Banaba is good for helping to relieve urinary tract infections. The bush has also been linked to a reduction of cholesterol and the lowering of blood sugar in diabetes patients. There has been evidence that indicates that regular consumption of the tea can alleviate kidney stones and help reduce the chance of gallbladder stones.
This information is for reference purposes only. Before beginning any type of treatment, a physician or professional medical advisor should be consulted. There are no well-documented contraindications, but because of the plants' ability to lower blood-sugar levels, it is wise to use Banaba with caution.