Astaxanthin Benefits

Astaxanthin is an amino acid or protein found within seafood and is what makes certain types of seafood pink in color. Also called microalgae and ovoester, astaxanthin is sometimes used in herbal medicine.
  1. Function

    • Alternative medical practitioners believe astaxanthin supplements prevent cell damage and boost the immune system, reports RxList.


    • Common uses of astaxanthin in herbal medicine include the treatment of macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and high cholesterol as well as aiding in the recovery of brain function after a stroke and preventing cancer.

    Expert Insight

    • In a 2009 study at the University of Madras in Tamil Nadu India, clinical researchers found that colon cancer patients who took 15 mg of astaxanthin supplements per kilogram of body weight each day had fewer cancerous cells in their colon than those who did not.

    Time Frame

    • A study at the University of Queensland revealed that taking astaxanthin after meals is more effective than using the supplement at other times of the day.


    • Though safe when consumed in the levels found in seafood, it is not known whether astaxanthin is safe when taken as an oral supplement or how long it is safe to take it, cautions RxList.

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