Herbs to Relieve Stress & Reduce Cortisol
Consider "stopping to smell the roses." According to a Japanese study reported in "American Chemical Society`s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry," scents like rose, lavender, mint, lemon, and mango contain a fragrance called linalool. Rats exposed to stress and then inhaling linalool had stress hormones in the immune system return to near normal levels much faster than rats that did not inhale linalool.
Ashwaganda is recommended for anyone reporting weakness or fatigue, including nervous tension and work-related stress. According to Mountain Rose Herbs, one of the U.S.'s most trusted source for organic herbs, ashwaganda helps to "increase energy and endurance, promote longevity, support sexual vitality, calm the mind, enhance mental function, rejuvenate the tissues, strengthen immune function, encourage restful sleep and help the body overcome imbalances...." Studies reported in "Alternative Medicine Review" showed that ashwaganda does relieve stress as well as having many other benefits, and has very little, if any, toxicity.
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng)
Russian scientists have performed more than one thousand studies using eleuthero, showing that it is an invaluable aid for enhancing resistance to stress. Besides reducing stress levels, eleuthero was also shown to "normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and strengthen the adrenal glands, which play an important role in regulating the body's response to stressful situations."
Panax Ginseng
Ginseng has been called a "cure all," and is highly prized in both Chinese and Western herbal recipes. It lowers levels of stress hormones called glucocorticoids, both immediately after stressful events and during periods of prolonged stress. A 1996 study released by a company called Phytotherapy Research showed that people taking ginseng reported an increase of energy and less fatigue over a control group taking a placebo.
In Russia and Scandinavian countries, rhodiola is recognized as an official alternative botanical therapy for treating fatigue, alleviating depression, enhancing work performance, and improving coping skills associated with elevated stress levels.
Please understand that the above statements and products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA, and are for education purposes only. The statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or heal any disease or condition. Please consult a trusted health care professional before attempting any form of self-treatment.