Natural Method to Get Rid of Gall Stones
One of the primary causes of gallstones is obesity. Being overweight strongly contributes to excess cholesterol in bile, low bile salts and less emptying of the gallbladder, all aspects of gallstone development. A diet high in fat and sugar combined with an inactive lifestyle can increase risks while low calorie, rapid weight loss diets can disrupt bile composition and structure.
Symptoms may include intense pain in the upper abdominal region which steadily increases over time. There may also be pain in the back between the shoulder blades or pain under the right shoulder. Nausea, belching, indigestion, abdominal bloating and vomiting may also be present. The pain experienced may be sudden and intensify rapidly. Drinking a full glass of water at the start of the attack is sometimes helpful in alleviating abdominal pain.
If gallstones are not causing any stress or discomfort, treatment typically is not needed; however, the Mayo Clinic recommends being mindful of any problems or discomforts which may develop. To help minimize symptoms and control the condition, choosing a diet that has a variety of fruits and vegetables, high fiber, healthy unsaturated fats and taking vitamin C, E or calcium may help prevent additional gallstones from forming.
Recreational and physical activity performed on a regular basis, such as vigorous walking, gardening, yoga and aerobics, also may lessen the symptoms. Once they become small enough, the stones can pass rather easily out of the body through urination.
Peppermint-oil supplements may help to dissolve gallstones. Also used to soothe an upset stomach and aid digestion, this supplement may possibly help to relieve nauseous symptoms associated with this disorder. Milk thistle, globe artichoke, dandelion root and turmeric are herbs that can easily be brewed into tea and may also help to dissolve the stones.
Natural Aids
Having a tall glass of apple juice two to three times a day can help keep the gallbladder healthy. Also, drinking club soda or pear juice every day can help dissolve stones. Using olive oil in cooking can also contribute toward a healthy gallbladder.