Tea Remedies for Toothache

A toothache can occur at any time for a number of different reasons and is often nothing more than a temporary annoyance. However, that annoyance can grow to a stabbing pain. If the pain becomes too great or does not fade over time, it is a good idea to consult your dentist. For more common toothaches, though, you might find that using tea is a surprisingly effective way to alleviate pain for a short time.
  1. Using Tea

    • Tea works for a couple of reason. First, it soothes tooth pain because it is a warm liquid. Sipping any slightly warm liquid, such as tea, hot chocolate or warm water, will work. This operates in much the same way as a heating pad does on sore muscles. The heat with soothe and relax the pain away.

      The true powers of tea as a pain reliever come from its herbal qualities, however. That's because herbal teas, especially those with chamomile, contain chemicals that are known to help numb pain. For this reason, strong tea is frequently recommended as a way to help even severe mouth pain.

      For a moderate toothache, try sipping tea. Store-bought packets of herbal tea will work fine, but for a stronger and more effective pain-relieving solution, steep 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers in hot water for 10 minutes. This will maximize the amount of chamomile you receive, which is imperative to healing the ache.

      For particularly strong toothache pain, opt for a teabag instead of making a cup of tea. Place a saturated teabag around the area where the pain is occurring, between the teeth and the cheek, and let it sit for a short period. Gently chew it every once in a while to get some of the tea out of the bag and around the tooth. The chemicals in the teabag will go to work on the pain and help soothe it away.

      Whichever method you choose, be sure not to make it too hot. Drinking the heated beverage will soothe the pain but having it too hot will make the ache worse than it was. When dealing with hot liquids to dull the pain, you're walking a fine line between effective and harmful, and it's better to err on the side of caution. Sip the tea as you normally would, letting each sip sit in the mouth on the side of the ache for a moment before swallowing. The chemicals in the tea combined with its warmth will do wonders for helping lessen the pain of the toothache.

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