Herbs for Strengthening Uterine Ligaments
Problems Caused by Weakened Ligaments
When your ligaments loosen up, it can result in a prolapsed bladder, colon or uterus. If these organs are said to be prolapsed, it means they are sagging or bulging out of place. If the condition is mild, you may not notice any symptoms. The most common symptom is described as heaviness in the abdomen. If you have to strain a lot when having a bowel movement, you may have a bulging colon. Frequent urinary tract infections or pain in urination can signal a prolapsed bladder. If you experience pain or lack of sensation during intercourse, or you have unexplained lower back pain, you may want to have your gynecologist check for a prolapsed uterus. There are four degrees of this condition. In the first, you will probably not know about it unless it is found during a routine pelvic exam. The second degree is defined by the top of the uterus falling into itself. The third degree finds the uterus protruding down into the vagina, and finally, in rare cases, protruding outside the body.
Herbs and Exercise
In the final degrees of prolapsed uterus, surgery may be your only option. Previous to this, you can choose one of several options, such as silicone rings designed to hold your uterus in place. The best remedy is prevention.
If you have had children or are overweight or aging, you should begin a regimen of exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor and connective tissues, including Kegel exercises. Kegels consist of contracting the vaginal and anal muscles (as if you are stopping urine in mid-flow), up to 100 times per day.
In conjunction with exercise, you may want to add herbs to your daily diet that are believed to strengthen ligaments and aid female reproductive health. Raspberry leaf, comfrey and especially horsetail (equisetum) are all good choices for rebuilding connective tissue. These can be taken in tea or tablet form. Gotu kola helps to increase blood flow to ligaments to maintain their integrity. If you experience incontinence because of ligament weakness, try couch grass to strengthen your bladder sphincter.