Herbal Remedy for Plantar Wart
Castor Oil
One herbal remedy used for removing plantar warts is castor oil. This oil comes from a plant called Ricinus communis, and has shown the ability to heal skin diseases and infections. You need to mix baking soda with castor oil until it forms a paste, and apply the mixture over the wart at bedtime. Cover the area with a band-aid, and the wart should heal in 4 to 6 weeks. A variation of this herbal remedy is to apply a half-drop of castor oil twice daily. Cover the area with a band-aid and repeat this process every 24 hours.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Applying apple cider vinegar to your plantar wart each night before bed can be an effective herbal remedy for this condition. Begin by soaking your foot in warm water for 15 minutes, and then use a Q-tip to cover the wart with this substance. It will take a few weeks before the wart is ready to come off with this treatment.
Garlic is considered a safe and productive herbal remedy against plantar warts. Crush a garlic clove and then rub the remnants over your wart. Cover the wart with a band-aid for 24 hours before repeating this process. After a few weeks blisters will begin to form, and the wart is expected to fall off shortly there after.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is an antimicrobial product and works as an excellent disinfectant. Cover the plantar wart with a band-aid after applying a drop twice daily. Eventually, the wart will turn white and fall off in a few weeks.
Salicylic acid plaster
Salicylic acid plaster is an aggressive treatment that destroys the wart tissue. Apply the plaster directly to plantar wart, but not on the surrounding area. Apply this plaster twice daily, and make sure to rub away any dead tissue before reapplying.