Is Yohimbe Extract Safe?
The extract from the bark of the Yohimbe tree is safe only when taken under the supervision of a doctor, explains RxList. This is because the extract poses a risk for serious health problems when used improperly.
Types of Side Effects
When taken properly, side effects of yohimbe might include nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, increases in blood pressure levels and heart rate, dizziness, stomachaches, tremors, headaches and flushing.
Drug Interactions
When taken with antidepressant MAOI inhibitors, naloxone used for the treatment of opioid overdoses and stimulant drugs like pseudoephedrine and phenermine, yohimbe extract is not safe and poses an increased risk for side effects from the medication. Additionally, psychiatric drugs like chlorpromazine have the potential to increase the side effects of yohimbe, making it unsafe.
Other Risks
When used incorrectly, yohimbe also poses a risk for hypertension and heart and breathing problems. In some cases, these effects have proven fatal, warns RxList.
Yohimbe extract may not be safe for use in women, especially those who are pregnant or nursing. If you have a history of schizophrenia, prostate problems, post traumatic stress disorder, kidney or liver disease, hypertension, angina, heart disease, anxiety, depression or diabetes, it may not be safe for you to take yohimbe due to its potential side effects, cautions RxList.