How to Heal Adrenals
Recognize the problem. The easiest way is with a saliva test that assesses cortisol levels throughout the day; this is usually performed by a qualified alternative practitioner. In the absence of test results confirming the diagnosis, you can assess your adrenal health by reviewing your symptoms. If you have consistently low energy levels, crave sugar or salt, get sleepy in the mid-afternoon, get sick (particularly bronchial infections) more than six times per year, or get dizzy when you stand up, this might mean you have unhealthy adrenal glands.
Find and minimize your sources of stress. This may be anything from driving in rush-hour traffic to skipping a meal. If you are cold, hungry, tired, etc. but ignore your body's signals, you may be causing stress, and this puts a strain on the adrenals glands.
Get enough sleep. During the initial stages of adrenal repair, this may mean up to nine hours per night and a brief rest in the afternoon. For people with adrenal exhaustion, bedtime should be no later than 10 or 10:30 p.m. with at least seven hours of restful sleep. If you experience afternoon fatigue, lie down or rest if possible for 30 minutes.
Balance your blood sugar. Never skip meals or allow your blood sugar to get low; this puts a large burden on the adrenal glands. Eat regularly throughout the day; there should be no more than three hours between meals or snacks. If your blood sugar gets too low, it is the adrenals' job to manufacture glucose (blood sugar) from sources within your body. If your adrenals are already tired, they will not be great at keeping your blood sugar levels where they need to be, and the strain will weaken them further. Balance your meals and snacks so that you are eating protein with carbohydrates, along with a little healthy fat, so that you do not set yourself up for a blood sugar spike followed by a crash. As much as you can, try to keep your blood sugar level steady.
Relax. Meditation and yoga are wonderful for calming the mind and the body and reversing the stress response. Even the regular practice of deep breathing helps to relax the sympathetic nervous system and calm the body, lessening the burden on the adrenals.
Use supplements to support and repair your adrenals. The types of supplements that you may need will depend on the status of your adrenal glands. If your adrenal fatigue is mild, some vitamin/nutrient support may suffice. If your adrenal fatigue is more severe, you may require a glandular formula. If you are considering supplementation for your adrenals, it makes sense to see a qualified practitioner who can advise you what is best for your symptoms and status.