Herbal Treatment for Brain Fog
Drink Green Tea
Everyone know that green tea contains caffeine and that in itself provides a nice boost to energy and alertness, but green tea may also have a profound overall effect when consumed on a long term basis. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition in April 2006 by Abdul M. Haque and a team of researchers, found that rats who were given green tea catechins (isolated antioxidant compounds) had improved reference and memory-related learning ability over a control group of rats who had not been given the green tea compounds. The researchers attributed this affect to the antioxidants themselves and their ability to protect the brain. Loose leaf green teas have considerably higher antioxidant profiles than bag teas and can be added to a daily regime against brain fog that might have both immediate and long term benefits.
Use Ginseng
Ginseng is considered one of the best longevity and energy herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is now being used all over the world to sharpen both athletic and mental performance. A study published in the journal Nutritional Nueroscience in 2001 by D.O. Kennedy and a team of researchers found that single doses of ginseng significantly improved the memory of test subjects in as soon as an hour and up until six hours after administration. Ginseng can be purchased as a supplement in most health food stores or in crude root form at Chinese herbal shops.
Get some Ginkgo
Ginkgo bilboa is another Chinese herb and it has been used traditionally specifically for improving cognitive functioning. Ginkgo is even prescribed by doctors in Germany on France for concentration and memory enhancement. A review of studies on Ginkgo's effect on the human functioning was published by the The Cochrane Library in 2001 by Birks, Evans, and Van Dongen, and found that after twelve weeks of supplementation with Ginkgo, patients experienced benefit to their cognitive function, mood and emotional functioning. Gingko can be found at most health food stores or online and is a common street tree across America.