Natual Cures for Migraine
Dietary Changes
Eliminate migraine triggers from your diet. Dairy products seem to be the biggest trigger for migraine headaches. Other food triggers include poultry and eggs, chocolate, wheat and beef. Many times the food processing is the problem, while additives are often to blame for migraines. Manufacturers add MSG, artificial sweeteners and food colorings to almost all processed store-bought food.
To test this, for example, eliminate chicken from the diet. If it eliminates migraines, that may be the trigger problem. Introduce chicken back into the diet, but this time buy only organic chicken to eliminate all the chemicals and additives that are found in regularly processed chicken. If the migraines come back, eliminate chicken for good.
Watch what you drink as well. Caffeine is a major cause of migraines in some people. Limit soda or coffee intake or delete it from your diet all together.
Introduce herbal fragrances to your home to help cure migraines. Rosemary is beneficial to those who suffer from migraines. Burn some rosemary incense. Rub your neck with rosemary oil to help relieve the pain of a migraine. This herb is available at many health food stores or online.
Take a dietary supplement of feverfew, which is available at health food stores or online herbal stores. This is a natural treatment for those who suffer regularly from migraines. Dilating blood vessels in the brain cause migraines. Feverfew helps the blood vessels to contract, relieving the pain and pressure caused by migraines. Check with your health store representative to make sure the feverfew contains a necessary ingredient called parthenolide. Take feverfew daily to keep migraines away.
Other Remedies for the Occasional Migraine
Relax. Stress is often a cause of the occasional migraine. Take a few moments out of your busy schedule to do something you enjoy. Lie down for a few minutes and close your eyes to relieve some of the stress and the pain from the migraine.
Massage your temples and neck. Or better yet, have someone else massage your temples and neck. See a professional masseuse who knows the pressure points for relieving migraines.
Alternate between hot and cold packs on your head. If possible, insert some rosemary into a hot/cold pack and inhale deeply as your migraine is relieved.