What Is Calendula Oil?
Use calendula oil as a home remedy. Calendula oil primarily functions as a treatment for skin inflammation, but also acts as an antiseptic. Calendula oil may be used to treat burns, skin injuries, dry skin and itchy skin---and also to treat hemorrhoids. You can apply this oil to the skin directly in oil form or as a soap or cream. Due to its price, use calendula oil sparingly or in combination with other oils when making home treatment products.
Calendula is sometimes confused with the French marigold. Calendula oil may be confused with the French marigold. Calendula oil has a strong, flowery smell. Check with a sales representative, since French marigold oil may be sold as "calendula." The oil of a French marigold can be toxic, causing discomfort to the skin and is a distinct, rich orange color. In the botanical world, the pot marigold or calendula flower is known as Calendula officinalis, while the French marigold is known by the names Tagetes minuta and Tagetes patuh.
Other Uses
Calendula can be used as a treatment for heartburn. Calendula oil may also be used to treat minor skin ailments like cold sores and cuts. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, calendula oil can also cool and calm problem digestive ailments like heartburn and nausea. Also, calendula oil can be used as a home cosmetic treatment for problems such as oily skin and acne.
Other Forms
Use calendula tea for upset stomach, heartburn and other digestive discomfort. The calendula flower contains the healing oils, which this plant is noted for. As a result, it is possible to make the flower into a tea for the treatment of digestive problems. Calendula flower is safe enough to make a tea for children with upset stomachs. Just steep the dried flower petals in hot water, about one or two tbsp. for each cup, one to two cups per dosage.
Make sure not to confuse calendula oil with calendula extract. Herbal products may not be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and may not be regulated. As a result, calendula oil may be improperly labeled and sold as calendula extract. Be sure that the calendula substance purchased is soluble in oil and does not contain pharmaceutical-grade solvents.