How to Encapsulate Dried Herbs
Pre-made herbal capsules can be purchased at health food stores and online, but it is also relatively simple to encapsulate dried herbs yourself. Creating your own dried herb capsules may be necessary if you are growing your own herbs, or if you want to create your own unique mixture of herbs.
Things You'll Need
- Herbs
- Mortar and pestle, or coffee grinder
- Glycerin or vegetable capsules
- Clean working surface
- Block of florist's foam
- Pencil
Select and purchase empty capsules. Capsules are available in several forms, including gelatin, starch, and vegetable (cellulose) based. These capsules come in varying sizes, with the most popular size being OO, capable of holding enough herbs for a standard adult dose.
Work with dried herbs. Homegrown herbs should be pesticide-free and harvested early in the morning once the night's dew has dried. The University of Carolina's Cooperative Extension provides an excellent guide to harvesting and preserving herbs. (References 1) After harvesting, the herbs should be thoroughly dried. If using purchased herbs, buy only from a reputable seller to ensure high quality.
Grind herbs to a fine powder, either with a mortar and pestle or a seed mill or grinder. A coffee grinder works well, too. Thoroughly clean the grinding tool after each herb, allowing to dry between uses. If making your own herbal concoction, mix the herbs according to your own recipe. The US Department of Agriculture provides references for dietary supplements.
Filling the capsules by hand can be tedious and time consuming work. The use of a capsule filling machine is the easiest method. As of 2009, these machines run under $20 and make quick work of filling capsules. If using a capsule filling machine, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
To fill by hand, put the select powdered herb on a clean work surface. Twist apart the empty capsule so you have two separate halves. Using one of the empty halves, scoop up herbs. Tamp down the powdered herb using the tip of a pencil or other small object until the powdered herbs are firm but not packed. If space exists after tamping the herbs, continue filling until the half capsule is completely full. Stand capsule upright to eliminate spillage. A block of florist's foam with an indentation made by a pencil can be used to keep the capsule upright.
Repeat Step 5 with the second half of the capsule. Leave about ¼ inch of empty space at the open end of the capsule.
Carefully place ends together, with the entirely filled capsule being inserted into the partially empty capsule. Twist. Repeat the process for the remaining empty capsules.