Herbs to Treat a Burn
Use the aloe arborescens variety of the aloe vera plant; it doesn't have a yellowish fluid inside which needs draining. Cut down the long side of the Aloe leaf and peal back the skin instead of trying to squeeze out the gel from the short end. Once the gel is scraped off the leaf, apply it directly onto the burn. Wear gloves when handling the leaves; they have spikes. To form a salve for sunburns combine the Aloe gel with pekoe tea and Irish moss. Look for a variety of aloe products in any health food store and online. Some are even combined with other herbs.
Use St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) in oil rather than alcohol for burns. Fill a two cup container with flowers, removing any leaves. Pour oil over the flowers, but use olive oil rather than vegetable oil. Fill up the container and seal. Leave in a sunny window for three weeks, shaking once a day. Strain flowers out and use oil for burns especially when chilled. For a thicker salve heat oil and beeswax along with St. John's wort in a dedicated pan. Trying to clean these afterwards for cooking will be messy.
Most herbs can be dried and stored in airtight containers for later use. Aloe Vera gel can be stored up to one week in the refrigerator for daily use on the burn. Add vitamin E as a preservative to the St. John's wort salve so the mix won't turn rancid.
Apply salves directly onto the burned area as soon as possible. Apply echinacea, which comes in various species, directly to the burn for a gentle antiseptic action. Take echinacea internally as tea or capsule and it will boost the immune system and can speed healing. Wrap lightly steamed comfrey (Symphytum officinale) leaves in gauze around the burn. Another option is to mash garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (A. cepa) into a paste and apply as a poultice.